Nihang -ATAMA
Nihang was a collection of 5 looks created for my final-year project at Temasek Poly. I was tasked to create a brand, ATAMA, and a debut collection for that brand.
ATAMA and its debut collection Nihang came from a newfound interest in understanding racial and cultural politics in Singapore, a concept that soon found its way into being my main area of research as an academic. This first foray into this realm was challenging with the limited research skills and knowledge I had, as well as the expectation to creatively convey my findings into a marketable collection and brand. This work holds a special place in my heart as through this process I learnt new things about my heritage and culture. My goal was to create a line that would empower newfound appreciation for Sikh heritage beyond constrictive ideals in Singapore and a hegemonic society.
Temasek Poly Design Show 2016
Nihang premiered at the Temasek Poly’s graduation show in 2016 along with the rest of my cohort’s work.
Song: Iron by Woodkid