Vinegar Tom

“No woman is safe.

Hide your hats, hide your cats, lest you be named a witch.”

 Caryl Churchill’s Vinegar Tom is a witty, but ultimately dark piece that examines the interplay of Gender and Power. This musical-play was inspired by the work of Bertholt Brecht and takes on elements of Epic Theatre. 17th Century England is no place for strange behaviour. Rising Puritan extremism and a resurgence of plague-era isolationism has created an air of tension and fear. Costuming for this show brought me back in time to an era before sewing machines and expensive fabric dyes. I sought inspiration from old paintings of peasants, solid colours without grand embroidery and lush textures, creating modest but rugged period costumes for a cast of peasant women and men, all with a student theatre budget.

by Caryl Churchill
Directed by Gina Dickson
Assistant Directed by Olivia Staaf
Set Design - Julia Kaddatz, Jason Lehane | Lighting Design - Georgie Wolfe | Makeup Design - Cat Cowie | Sound Design - Morgan Heenan
Monash Uni Student Theatre 2018

Photography by Pathana Rasa


The D'oh Show


Pining for Affection